Quarterly Report: GHSC-PSM 2019 Q2 Report

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This Quarterly Report summarizes GHSC-PSM's activities and outcomes for quarter 2 of FY 2019, January 1, 2019 through March 31, 2019. On time delivery (OTD) rates were strong for all health areas: 89 percent for HIV; 93 percent for malaria; 85 percent for FP/RH; and 81 percent for maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) commodities, which exceeded the project’s overall quarterly target of 80 percent. GHSC-PSM continues to conduct root-cause analysis of late deliveries and to refine procurement and supply-chain processes to improve performance. Strategic sourcing of health commodities continued to promote market health, reduce prices, and shorten lead times for a variety of products.
