Video: Ready to Beat Malaria in Madagascar

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All of Madagascar’s nearly 25 million citizens are considered at risk for malaria — the disease is one of the top five causes of death. With support from the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI), GHSC-PSM procures and delivers health supplies like long-lasting insecticide-treated nets and antimalarials to the country to help prevent and treat malaria. At the same time, the project works with the Ministry of Health and other local officials to create an integrated and sustainable public health supply chain that will expand Madagascar’s ability to provide lifesaving commodities to its own people. 

Watch this video to learn more about GHSC-PSM’s work and meet some of the dedicated supply chain professionals striving to improve access to health commodities in Madagascar. Strong supply chains make it possible for malaria prevention and treatment commodities to reach the millions of vulnerable people in Madagascar who need them most.